Office Overview


The audit office’s primary role is to provide independent report, assurance and advice to the Legislature through the Speaker on how the government and other public bodies account for and use public money.

The role is discharged by carrying out audits and report on whether government activities are carried out and accounted for in compliance with legislation, and with the intentions of the legislature.

Core output 

The core output of the Office are classified into two areas known as Output Classes. They cover

  • Parliamentary reports and services
  • Audit Reports on financial, compliance and performance statements.

Organisation Structure

The management structure of the Audit Office is shown below. The two main branches of Corporate and Operations are directed by six Audit Managers.

The office is structured under two(2) main branches:

1. Corporate:

Which is the supporting arm of the Office. It only consist of the

  • Corporate Management Unit

2. Audit Operations:

Which is the heart of the Office. It consists the

  • Financial Audit
  • Performance Audit
  • Compliance Audit


About us

Meet Us

Current Office

Our People

 Our Structure

Postal Address

Tonga Office of the Auditor General
Tupou College Old Boys Building

P.O. Box 50, Maamaloa
Vaha'akolo Road


S5 Box